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The idealization of science and how it is interconnected with society

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

What would an ideal society look like?

There are lots of different answers for this question, depending on variables like the background, country, religion, etc. of the person answering, but before we go in depth with society let's think about: How should science be like?

If we dive into the different definitions of science, and think about the dream, the goal of how science should be, we can all agree that our ideal of science has at least these properties:

Objectivity → to see the world as close to reality as possible

Critical → to keep asking questions about the explanations we take for granted, to support the following point

Evolutivity → to find better and more accurate explanations, techniques, etc.

Free → to advance the following points

Inclusivity → so that all curious minds can contribute to the world with their great ideas

Collaborativity → if there are more perspectives, there are more ideas and a greater chance of understanding phenomena

The more intuitive way to connect society with science is by thinking about how science impacts our daily life, for example, the evolution of our understanding in Materials Science has marked the history of mankind (with the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age…), or how electromagnetism make Wi-Fi connection possible. In other words, science research (especially in biology and genetics) have enormous consequences in how society acts and on our lifestyle (especially physics and math).

Now, it is well known that science is as good as the people doing it, (think about how difficult it was for the scientific community to accept Einstein's theory of relativity) -here is another example in which science and society cross paths- that is why science just can achieve that ideal if and only if society were ideal too, then, if society aspires to improve science, it also aspires to reach properties of the ideal of science, so it also aspires to be inclusive, curious, collaborative, to think critically, to keep evolving, improving, and so on. That is to say, to improve science we need a society more attached to those values and to improve society we need it to be closer to science.

Therefore, as YOU (mod STEM) we have an holistic approach, we want to offer free access to tools that facilitate the improvement of the citizens this and next generations will become (from the social and personal aspect, personal finance tools, self esteem, personal growth, vocational orientation...) but also provide tools for you and others to come to be citizens who can better understand their environment thanks to the development of scientific knowledge and exploration, for this we want to show you "the creative side of science" the fascinating aspects that we are not usually taught in school.

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